
In search of story


March 22.22: Coping, but barely

Twilight curtains parted

and in grand purple theater

arose a ponderous butterscotch moon.

“Catch me if you can!”

it stage-whispered to my camera,

which sighed in my hands,

and tried, oh, so many times,

noble machine,

but in the end could only stand with me,

groundlings both,

in awed suspension of disbelief.

You may ask, dear reader, if there is anything

that doesn’t remind me of dessert.

I’ve asked that too.


Disconnections: December 10.18


In feeble imitation

we aspire

in manmade constellation

of bulb and wire

to capture stars

of eons sired.

From night’s black depth

atop vast spire

two hoary lights,

amused, admire.



Thanks yet again to photographer S. W. Berg for this beauty.

And happy birthday to Emily Dickinson!