
In search of story


February 17.24: Coping, but barely

“High and low”

doesn’t begin to say

the places I looked

on a late winter day.

All the candles but one

were packed in their places,

and that meant a morning

of wild goose chases.

Up on the stepstool,

down on my knees,

crawling, stretching,

huff, puff, and wheeze,

I looked everywhere,

probably twice;

my thoughts weren’t very

civil or nice.

Frustrated, tired,

I plopped in this chair,

heaved a great sigh,

and noticed RIGHT THERE

the *&@!! candle,

plain as could be,

completely unhidden,

laughing at me!

And what about this?

More time down the drain:

one oven mitt missing!

Where’d it go? What a pain!

Again high and low,

in cabinet and drawer,

I searched for that mitt

with a great inner roar.

What is it with things?

There’s a plot, I declare!

The mitt’s in the pantry!

How’d it get there?

Next to the jam

is not where it lives;

what gremlin’s afoot?

What is this? What gives?

It cannot be me

so absent of mind!

And now I must go;

I have marbles to find.



February 14.24: Coping, but barely

For Valentine’s Day,

my gift to you,

a coveted daydream,

that it may come true:

just you and the box,

chocoholic’s lodestar

(think hyped Cookie Monster

with full cookie jar).

Your eyes glaze over,

brain turns to ganache,

it’s num-num-num-num,

a full-throttled nosh.

No weight gain or guilt,

no way will you rue it:

nobody saw

so you didn’t do it.


More thanks to photographer S.W. Berg for this portrait of bliss.


February 2.24: Coping, but barely

Unhurried, the tree spins

its wooden web

ever finer

to twig tip

while birds

and squirrels,

obedient to the ancients

that course through them,

gather pieces

from a yielding earth.

Fore-ordained, in deliberate pace,

birth and growth,

while speed flashes,



in a distant air.