
In search of story


Connections: February 22.17

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERABack in the seventies

when I had little boys

Playmobil ranked among

their favorite toys.

Beloved childhood pieces

tenderly packed away

in case other little fingers

might some day want to play.

And play they did!

And added more

turning Grandma’s house

into Playmobil store.

Little fingers again grown

it’s the same old story

and I am determined

to re-box inventory.

I won’t know

that next generation

but I hope they will hear of me

at the next exhumation.



Connections: February 19.17

de-d-15How do they, frozen,

silently speak

the language of contentment?

in weathered rosy cheek?

in simple glass of ale?

in button and in vest?

what makes us smile back

at their pantomimed behest?

More thanks to the S.W. Berg Photo Archives.

And accolades to artist Bäbel Kölberg, whose studio, Kunst aus Beton,

is in Meerbusch, Germany, across the Rhine

from this Dusseldorf brewery. (No wonder they smile!)
