
In search of story

May 9.21: Coping


The world’s a big place,

it can tucker you out

when you’re trying to figure

what it’s about.

That doesn’t change much

as we age through the years,

those grass blades of life

still up to our ears.

We still need a wing

for safe featherbed,

but sometimes we rest

on a memory instead.


I’m not a big fan of Mothers’ Day, dear reader. However, I am a fan of mothering because mothering gets us started in life.

There are many who are not biological mothers but are mothers nonetheless. I salute every one, and I wish a happy day to all who mother.

On a more (typical) curmudgeonly note: you know, dear reader, I hate these geese; I do not thrill to see another generation. It is only with pained reluctance I am forced to say this snoozing fuzzball is maybe a little bit cute.




8 thoughts on “May 9.21: Coping

  1. You brought up a very good point because I’ve know several wonderful ‘mothering’ individuals who made a positive impact on my life. I raise my cup of coffee to each and every one. Animals are fun to look at, but the items they leave behind not so much. 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day, Maureen.

    • Indeed, those “items” are not fun! Every time one of these monster birds waddles in the path of my car, I say “don’t tempt me.”

      And, yes, today we raise a cup of coffee to those who mother, especially those who have helped us along the way! A happy Mothers’ Day to you too, Judy!

  2. Mothering, caring, nurturing, are all to be celebrated. As Judy mentioned, I can look back on several people who contributed to my growth. I’ll raise a glass to all of them today.

    I like seeing geese flying, but I never had strong feelings about them. Then, last week, I read on someone’s blog that a Canada Goose can eat its weight in mosquitoes, every day. Now I like them 😊

    • No kidding! Thank you! I will now try to look at these birds and see billions of mosquitoes that will never land on me. It won’t be easy, though. I already have strong anti-goose feelings.

      It’s good to remember those who mothered us along the way. Raising a glass to them is exactly right.

  3. Maybe a little bit cute? Is this a chink appearing in your duck/geese armour? I dare say it has a quietish honk.

    • A quietish honk? I will have to listen for it. I have a hunch they are born sounding like semis. A chink in my armour? Goodness, I can’t allow that!

      • I think your semi is a big motor vehicle. Here they are two houses joined in the middle, but set apart from their neighbours .

  4. Oh, dear. I had no idea, but thus do I learn that there’s English and then there’s English. Yes, the semi I was referring to is the huge truck; its honk is not dainty.

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