
In search of story


May 19.24: Coping, but barely

Large black metal multi-pane glass door in the corner of a rounded entrance for the Palais Royale. Three large curved steps are in front of the door. There's an arched transom window over the doors.Perception


I think that I shall never see

a thing more right than symmetry.


In equal numbers it holds strong;

there’s no such thing as short with long.


One side must measure true

against the other, sweet virtue.


In windowpanes, in arc or spire,

it satisfies my soul’s desire.


Genteel, imbued with courtly grace,

it gathers balance in embrace.


Though just and meet to extol the tree,

primal accord lies in symmetry.


(Of course I’m not at all neurotic,

but I’ll allow a bit sclerotic.)



With apologies to Joyce Kilmer,

and with thanks to Resa for the photo,

submitted to Dan Antion’s

Thursday Doors Writing Challenge.