
In search of story

May 19.24: Coping, but barely


Large black metal multi-pane glass door in the corner of a rounded entrance for the Palais Royale. Three large curved steps are in front of the door. There's an arched transom window over the doors.Perception


I think that I shall never see

a thing more right than symmetry.


In equal numbers it holds strong;

there’s no such thing as short with long.


One side must measure true

against the other, sweet virtue.


In windowpanes, in arc or spire,

it satisfies my soul’s desire.


Genteel, imbued with courtly grace,

it gathers balance in embrace.


Though just and meet to extol the tree,

primal accord lies in symmetry.


(Of course I’m not at all neurotic,

but I’ll allow a bit sclerotic.)



With apologies to Joyce Kilmer,

and with thanks to Resa for the photo,

submitted to Dan Antion’s

Thursday Doors Writing Challenge.

16 thoughts on “May 19.24: Coping, but barely

  1. Hee hee – I love this one, Maureen. They designed this building correctly, in my opinion. That plant on the right needs to fill out a bit, but otherwise, this is perfect.

    I am glad you and your muse are having fun with this challenge.

  2. Maureen, your muse is definitely outdoing herself! And we get to enjoy every word she writes. Lucky us.

    This building, even the not-quite-up-to-par plant, and your poem are a perfect marriage…assuming there is such a thing as a perfect marriage.

    My Sunday couldn’t have started off nicer. Warm temperatures, sunshine, breeze not wind, and your post. Some days life is really good!


    • Many thanks, Ginger! I love thinking that I could be part of a good Sunday morning! My muse has definitely been poked awake by this year’s doors. I bet she goes off into hibernation for months after this, but I’m being very nice to her while she’s here!

  3. May Joyce Kilmer rise up and applaud! This is wonderful, Maureen. And that building is some kind of perfect–just made for your poetry.

  4. Should I admit I lay out plants based on balance. LOL

    • Yay for us balanced people! Sometimes I hope my neighbors aren’t watching, given the number of times I step back and survey. Then dig something up and move it two inches.

  5. Terrific poetry, Maureen. Love it!

    It’s so cool that you used one of my door pics…YAY!

    This was a fun challenge. I did respond to a pic, but I’m not a writer, so 1 was a big deal for me.

    Anyway, now that the challenge has closed its doors… I’ll be doing a mass reblog, of sorts soon (ish) with all the posts that responded to my images.

    Okay, be well and write!

  6. I loved this! The older I get, the more I like symmetry. I try not to be neurotic about it (and drive my husband crazy – haha). Very well done!

    • Thanks! I am always drawn to symmetry, and, if I can’t have symmetry, then balance. I’m not so bad that I go into other people’s homes and straighten the pictures on their walls, but I keep an eye on my own!

  7. Pingback: Doors – Graffiti Lux Art & More

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