
In search of story

May 17.24: Coping, but barely


The one-way path


The one-way path,

don’t walk too fast;

you’re leaving forever

the gilded past,

life on wheels,


of people, places,

dream and hope.

Up those stairs

and through that door,

the future is

what’s gone before.

Unpretty inevitable

lives inside

where you will share

life’s eventide.

At edge of entering

stolid manse,

you’ll pause and turn

for one last glance,

but all there is

is wistful air

and no one will know

it was ever there.

And so you open

and step inside

where love and fear,



The windows are glass

yet no one will see

the unfolding of time’s




With thanks to Teagan R. Geneviene for the image,

submitted to Dan Antion’s

Thursday Doors Writing Challenge.




31 thoughts on “May 17.24: Coping, but barely

  1. Really imaginative and so relatable! I love the sense of the ethereal…”but all there is is wistful air”

    • Thanks, Suzette! I think there is indeed something ethereal about the image. I also think that’s somewhat characteristic of Teagan’s images.

  2. Maureen, this is so delicate and powerful all rolled up in one. Teagan’s image and your words fit together like old friends. You are a master at bringing images alive.


    • Thank you, Ginger! I spent a long time looking at this; it really drew me in, partly because it’s so real and partly because it’s so unreal.

  3. Yes, I agree. I like her photos. Have a lovely day, Maureen.

  4. This is lovely, Maureen, and just a little bit on the edge of reality. I really like: “the future is what’s gone before.” That line made me stop and think. The poem is a perfect fit with Teagan’s image

    • Thanks, Dan. I’m glad that line resonated with you because it was meaningful to me. Teagan’s images seem to me many-layered, and I think they are often on that edge.

  5. This poem is powerful, and uncomfortably re-readable. Wow!

  6. Maureen–I am in awe. You and Teagan should work more together. A powerful duo.

    • Thanks, Lois! Teagan’s images make me want to dig further and also make me want to run away.

      • Oh, I understand that! And it is such a compliment to the both of you.

      • Wow, Maureen… with this comment, I think you just captured that’s core to my creative process… of which I was aware, yet unaware. That duality is always there when I write or make image collages, but I don’t consciously think about it. ❤

      • How interesting. Yes, I think there is a core element in writing of which the writer is both aware and unaware. We writers are nothing if not inexplicable to ourselves!

  7. Maureen, I’m gobsmacked. What a beautiful, poem. I’m honored to have had even a small part in inspiring it. Your poem captured many of the things that have been in my thoughts lately. It’s powerful, yet very relatable. Big hugs.

    • Thanks, Teagan. Apparently your thoughts shaped your images — and then to my thoughts. I spent a lot of time with this child-woman figure on this path.

  8. Your English teachers throughout your studies would be proud.

  9. Hi Maureen, this is a wonderful poem in response to Teagan’s gorgeous picture.

  10. A wonderful meditation on time, with many layers. “Love and fear, conjoined”–such a powerful image. (K)

  11. I clicked on the link in the TDWC page but it said page could not be found, so I ended up searching your blog. Yes, I was determined! lol Great writing and sorry so late in visiting.

  12. What a beautifully written poem with many layers. I’ve read it a couple of times and found something different each time. The past and the present meet only briefly and time moves on. Wonderful prose!

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