
In search of story


May 22.24: Coping, but barely

The back door


The back door,

the comfy one,

where friends with bikes

come looking for fun,

where dates in crewcuts

drop you off

to caveat of

 father’s cough,

where summer slam

on laundry day

warns of basement


The portal to life

with homework clutched tight,

from lunchbox to car keys,

witness to rite.

The brass-handled doorbell

as years go along,

pealing bing-clunk

instead of bing-bong.

In births and in deaths,

the back door invites

to be part of the story

a family writes,

so it’s fitting I think

that a door be a gate

enshrined in a fence,

back-dooring in state.



With thanks to Lois for the photograph,

submitted to Dan Antion’s

Thursday Doors Writing Challenge.