
In search of story

June 16.24: Coping, but barely


Fathers’ Day

Dad the Dude

and his first car, a 1929 Ford Sedan, purchased January 24, 1938, for $75.


Yesterday I read an article about advice from dads. I don’t remember much advice from my dad. Dictates, yes. Awful jokes, yes. Advice?

I think when I started driving Dad had advice, especially when he wasn’t climbing the passenger-side door. “Watch out for the other guy” comes to mind. “Don’t swerve out one way before you turn the other way!” (often abbreviated to AAAAAAGH!) “Never argue with someone bigger” applied to semi-trucks. Not bad advice for life in general, actually.

“Never use a tool for anything besides what it’s meant for.” (My version: do what works.)

He had advice about an adequate cursing vocabulary. Vulgarities made you sound uneducated (he said), so, if you needed to swear and curse, do it with a vocabulary. He recommended Shakespeare, as in “Fie!” The vilest thing you could say to someone (he said) was “Thyself upon thyself!” Uh huh. That works.

Dad was a compulsive letter-writer, feverishly clacking away on Mom’s old typewriter. His letters to me in college always ended with “Keep the Faith.”

Faith. It isn’t always about religion. Sometimes it’s about the ground under your feet, the set of your jaw, the courage of your convictions, the sure perception of what you can’t see.

I try to keep the faith. Not Dad’s. Mine.

I’ll call that advice.


As with mothers, I hold that you don’t have to be a biological father to be a dad. So Happy Fathers’ Day to all those who have been dads, and that includes single moms who have had to be both. For those who are single dads, kudos!

18 thoughts on “June 16.24: Coping, but barely

  1. Nice one, and I also adhere to “never argue with someone bigger” when it comes to traffic. 🙂 We had family dinner for my husband last evening, and it was very nice. I also got a gift – leftovers so I don’t have to cook today. 🙂

    • Did you hear me laughing? Leftovers! The gift that keeps on giving! I don’t cook anything that doesn’t give me leftovers, so I definitely understand the gift. Happy Fathers’ Day to him! Thanks, Judy!

  2. “Never use a tool for anything besides what it’s meant for.” They must have learned that in Dad School, followed, on occasion by “You couldn’t break a tool if you were using it properly.”

    My dad did offer advice, but most of the “advice” I remember from him came by way of example.

    Thanks for your inclusive extension of good wishes, today.

  3. Your dad was definitely a dude Maureen! I swear, his outfit came straight out of my dad’s closet from years ago, right up to the hat. Nice Father’s Day tribute to your own dad and to all the dads, which includes single moms as you nicely pointed out.

    My dad often gave me advice and it was always spot on. He was a kind and fair man. Always saw more than one side to any situation. He had a dry sense of humor that would knock your socks off when he finally got to the punch line! I miss him to this day.


    • Your dad sounds like a good guy, and this is the day to say so in a blog! As for the Dude look, I did have to chuckle at the thought of two guys having that same dapper look right out of their closets! We will raise a glass to them today!

  4. Hi Maureen, I do love your humour. A most entertaining post.

  5. That’s an excellent definition of faith. And wise words about tools too.
    And so true: it’s not biology that makes a good father. (K)

  6. Wow, the Dude was tall! And wise. 😊 (And he indirectly just gave me a new bumper sticker, “Thyself upon thyself!” for those riding my rear bumper even at 10+ miles over the limit until I pull over and let them hurry onward to their sitting-down. Thanks, Maureen’s Dad!)

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